Securing Peace through Recognition and Reform: International Communities Organisation (ICO) Case Study in Advancing the Two-State Solution for Israel and Palestine

International Communities Organisation (ICO)

As tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine, the importance of seeking peaceful resolutions has become more critical. The Abraham Accords, signed in 2020, represent a significant milestone in Middle Eastern diplomacy, establishing formal relations between Israel and several Arab nations. However, the potential of these accords to facilitate peace between Israel and Palestine remains largely untapped. Strategic engagement by international actors is crucial to leverage these agreements towards a broader regional peace, particularly between Israel and Palestine.

The complex dynamics of the conflict emphasise the urgent need for a renewed focus on political rather than military solutions. The International Communities Organisation, under the leadership of Dr. Gershon Baskin, plays an essential role in fostering dialogue and negotiation towards a two-state solution, which was initially proposed by the Oslo Accords and widely regarded as a viable method to ensure lasting peace in the region. The reconstruction of Gaza, along with its demilitarisation, is proposed as a necessary step towards peace, requiring robust leadership and international mediation and support.

Diplomatic Efforts

According to Dr. Baskin and Mr. Samir, there is a pressing need for comprehensive international recognition of both states, as highlighted in calls for all 193 United Nations member states to recognise the State of Israel and the State of Palestine. This recognition is seen not just as a diplomatic formality but as a substantive step towards legitimising statehood and removing obstacles to the realisation of a two-state solution. In this sense, ICO’s shuttle diplomacy is essential in maintaining momentum for conducting high-stakes unofficial negotiations. These behind-the-scenes negotiations provide a diplomatic backbone that supports broader geopolitical movements, which are anticipated to shift the dynamics of the conflict, offering new hope and potentially rejuvenating stalled peace processes. These negotiations, although not all publicised, are crucial as they bring together senior representatives from both sides and, in the long run, aim to reach a permanent status agreement based on mutual coexistence. Moreover, the 12th May 2024 webinar hosted by James Holmes, founder of ICO and moderated by Samer Sinijlawi, a Palestinian politician, brought together three panellists: former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, former Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Naser Alkidwa, and three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Thomas Friedman. 

The webinar discussion primarily centred on seeking peace and solutions in the Middle East, focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Key topics included the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, the potential roles of international and Arab forces in the region, and the importance of establishing a legitimate, effective, and non-corrupt Palestinian Authority. Panellists advocated for a two-state solution and detailed their visions for achieving peace. Throughout the webinar, several new and important points were highlighted by the panellists, including the necessity for leadership changes on both sides to facilitate progress. Mr. Olmert emphasised the critical need for Israel to declare its intention to fully withdraw from Gaza. Dr. Alkidwa called for a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza without imposing conditions or control over the Palestinian population. A significant discussion revolved around the potential roles of international and Arab forces in stabilising Gaza post-Israeli withdrawal, with Mr. Olmert proposing that, ideally, an Arab-led force, potentially including moderate Arab states and Palestinian forces, should temporarily take over administration in Gaza until a stable governance structure is established. 

All panellists reiterated their commitment to a two-state solution as the only viable resolution to the conflict, providing fresh insights in the current geopolitical context. A significant point raised was the need for new leadership on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides to advance peace talks. The panellists argued that current leaders may not be capable of making the bold moves necessary for a lasting peace agreement. Thomas Friedman discussed integrating Hamas into the Palestinian political framework in a transformed and positive manner; he also emphasised the need to include all significant political factions within a legitimate, effective, and credible Palestinian Authority to ensure comprehensive representation of Palestinian voices in peace processes. While addressing the role of Hamas, Dr. Alkidwa suggested that, although Hamas should not necessarily be part of the initial government, it should be consulted and involved in some capacity, reflecting its significant influence in Gaza. Dr Alkidwa also raised several key points during the webinar, focusing on the path forward for achieving peace and stability in the region and stressed the urgency of ending the ongoing conflict and violence as a primary step towards broader peace discussions. Finally, a conference of donors was proposed to ensure financial and resource support for rebuilding Gaza, suggesting contributions from a range of international stakeholders, including Israel.


The Role of the Abraham Accords in Israeli-Palestinian Peace

The Abraham Accords primarily focus on enhancing relations between Israel and Arab states, which indirectly influences the Israeli-Palestinian landscape. By fostering regional cooperation, it can create an environment conducive to addressing more complex political issues and serve as a platform to encourage economic collaboration and infrastructure development that benefits both Israelis and Palestinians, potentially reducing tensions and supporting a sustainable peace process.

The process has also opened new pathways for diplomatic and economic interaction in the Middle East. ICO recommends the world to harness this momentum to address the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict. International actors should actively promote economic partnerships and investments through this framework. This approach could include significant projects in water management, energy, and transportation—sectors critical to the region's stability and growth. Such initiatives not only enhance economic conditions but also build trust and interdependence among the people involved, creating a more harmonious regional environment helpful to addressing political disputes.


In conclusion, while the path to peace is undoubtedly complex and fraught with obstacles, the efforts of international actors are critical in paving the way for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist peacefully. Although conducted behind closed doors, ICO's role in these negotiations is vital. It serves as a reference point for future negotiations and aims to keep the hope for a peaceful resolution and provide a framework within which both Israelis and Palestinians can propose common ground and work towards a mutually beneficial solution. The Abraham Accords and the two-state solution remain a sign of hope. Through continued dialogue, leadership, and international support, there remains a possibility for peace and stability in the region. 


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